Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Congrats Greg and Denise! Love you already Lil Craic!

As, all of you may know, yesterday Niall's first nephew was born. First off, congrats to the Horan family!
And, I must say, that baby is so cute. I'm so happy for Greg  and Denise. But, i'm so mad at a few people in this fandom. Okay, you showed at Greg's wedding, and in the middle you screamed ''I LOVE YOU NIALL!''. That was so disrespectful. Yea, I love Niall too. But, that day wasn't about him. Then, you show up at the hospital, when is nephew was born. Seriously! What the heck? You have ruined two of the most important moments in Greg's life.And, if I am this mad, he was probably ticked. Think about Niall. These were important times for him too. Don't you guys understand. This is the kinda stuff that gives our fandom a bad name! And,that shows how much you actually care. Anyways, once again congrats the family! Love you Lil Craic. (P.s. does anybody else notice the HUGE lump on Niall's forehead? He's such a dork. I love him!)                        

Friday, June 28, 2013

Zayn, don't you know that's permanent?

So, Zayn Malik got a tattoo on his right arm of his girlfriend Perrie Edwards . I personally think that he shouldn't have got the tattoo, but it's cute that he cares about her that much. Yea, I know you love her, but what if  you ever break-up. You would have your ex-girlfriend's face on your arm. And, that would just bring back memories and you'd be a HOT mess. (See what I did there). So, it wasn't the best idea. But, it's nice to see a man love his girlfriend that much. . Although people get these kinda tattoos all the time, he's Zayn Malik he can have pretty much any girl he wants.But he chose this girl. It's this girl that makes him happy, this girl that he'll love through thick and thin, ups and downs.And I think this was kinda like his commitment to her. And that's the love that every couple wants.